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I fell in love approximately 16 hours ago. Which I’m sure y’all are wondering with whom and why am I telling you guys right? Okay, so he’s name is Masego and of course the next answer to your question is how’d we meet right, which is Tumblr. So by now you can guess that this is a one-way relationship because he has no idea that I exist but most artists don’t. I came across this video on Tumblr last night of a guy playing his saxophone to a dope mix of the song “Before I let go” by Maze & Frankie Beverly, and naturally I’m very intrigued because that song is literally the anthem to set off any black gathering. Any who, it was so beautiful that I had to find the musician responsible. I immediately found his soundcloud which had several projects of his work and tons of collaborations and I must say, I’ve never heard anything like his music before. It’s that really groovy, laid- back, super-chill, kickback with your friends, shoulder bounce type of music. You can check out some of his music in our #WeekTwoTunes playlist or on his soundcloud.


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