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You know what Rihanna has a lot of nerve. We as the people have been IMPATIENTLY waiting for this damn album. she’s been teasing us constantly for the past year and the same day that Kanye decided to have a hissy fit on the internet she said alright girl the people have had enough of you and yours, let me drop this so they can get they life for FREE. And that’s exactly what we did. I was super ecstatic when I was listening tot the album because it wasn’t a typical body of work from Rihanna. I kid you not every song is a different genre. I’m so happy for her because you can tell she was in total creative control of this project. My personal favorites are as followed and in this order: Kiss it better, Close to you. Consideration, Needed Me, Yeah, I said it, Love on the Brain, and Higher. If you are currently living under a rock and still haven’t heard the album you can listen to it on Tidal for the free.99.


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