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New Beginnings 2.0: Can i be honest?

Okay so the last time I checked in with you guys, it was new years and I left you all with 10 guidelines to help better your life this year. My plan is to do a 3 month check up to kind of refresh our memory on the things we set out to accomplish this year. With that being said I wanted to share with you all how I’ve been applying these things to my life! I really hope that you all are still sticking to your goals and if you aren’t it never too late to start over!

1.Healthier living

So this year I have 3 major goals to accomplish. Growing in my relationship with God for starters, combat my personal issues that I don’t wish to speak of right now, and lose weight. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been the fat friend. I’ve always dreaded going to the mall with my friends because the stores we liked only had plus size online so basically I’d be the purse/jacket holder. It wasn’t until last year that I gained a sense of confidence when it came to the way that I dressed. I started wearing crop tops and sleeveless shirts, I genuinely feel in love with my body because it is me and there is no sense in hating it because society wants me to be ashamed. I started being unapologetic because I refused to let the fear of judgment hold me back. I will say it took me 20 years to get to this place but I’m just glad I got here. With allllll that being said, I’m sure you all are like well why are you trying to lose weight then girl? Before I give you my reasons I want to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being fat, big girl/boy, plus size (which ever you prefer) and if you disagree you can go to hel- lmao, no but seriously if you disagree, you are entitled to your opinion. I’m not promoting obesity or living an un-healthy lifestyle by far. All I’m saying is just because you are fat that does not mean you are unhealthy, there are plenty of skinny people walking around with rotten livers, kidneys, digestive systems, diabetes, and etc. Now if you are anything like me, overweight and with health issues then losing weight isn’t the worst thing you can do. I’m basically making this post to let you guys know that I’ve recently lost 15 pounds and I want to be of help to anyone out there trying. Starting Monday, February 29,2016 I will be vlogging my weight-loss journey and I’ll be doing videos on the things that have been working for me. Contact me if you want to start the weight loss challenge I’ll be creating.

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