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When Your X’s Turn Into Y’s

You know the saying, “It’s a small world.” Well, for India Westbrook, the world just got a whole lot smaller. Justin Bieber hosted a party and guess who was in attendance. Ron Robinson and The Game. Ok. Even though you put these two in the same room, who expected for them to link up and board the petty bus the way they did. The Game delivered his shade via Snapchat. I expected this behavior from The Game. He said, “It’s called, If I f*** you and he f*** you, you f***ed.” However, Ron wanted the sting to last a little longer and posted on his IG a caption that even I had to sit by the window to read to get some sunlight. Despite all of this, India has continued to stay positive. For once, I am proud of her for not acknowledging them, although that would have been great entertainment.

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