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can i be good to you?

This maybe be my first time introducing you guys but it won't be the last. Yesterday Ambré decided to bless the masses with a new song entitled "Goody Goody". Listen my wig came off when i heard the Aaliyah sample , I think Frankie Lymon's version of Goody Goody and then the vocals were a1-000. She really makes feel good music! Her voice is equivalent to the glaze on Krispy Kreme doughnuts lol. I will not lie to y'all, I just can't. I've literally been riding around all day listening to this (while occasionally bumping some of The Internet). This song makes me want to find a bae lmao. I've been a fan since her debut project "Wanderlust" and I'm extremely excited to see what's next for her! Check out "Goody Goody" below.

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